Giving vs. Getting: 2013 Social Innovation Summit
Posted on June 11 2013

“Philanthropy is more than just writing a check,” said Adam Grant, the youngest tenured professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Wharton School of Business, and the author of bestseller “Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success.” No statement has been more true to the philosophy of Same Sky. At Same Sky we believe in and operate on the idea of sustainability.
Same Sky recently attended the Social Innovation Summit at the UN Headquarters in New York, other attendees included everyone from top executives at Facebook and Google to the world’s most impressive humanitarian entrepreneurs. This year’s summit focused on connecting and inspiring a global network of leaders to implement innovative social transformation across corporate, investment, government, and non-profit sectors.
Same Sky was particularly inspired by the segment entitled, “Give vs. Get: Redefining Philanthropy, Rethinking Charity, and Reinvigorating Giving Back” led by Adam Grant and Dan Pollatta, the man who started the impressive AIDS Rides and Breast Cancer 3-Days. With this system in place, 182,000 people were able to raise $582 million in nine years, more money raised more quickly than any private event operation in history. These experts spoke about ways to increase efforts and make a better business model within the philanthropy industry.
Grant and Pollatta discussed how people around the world think they are helping the cause by donating money and sitting back. They say that in order to reach maximum impact people need to be more involved in the process, and to see directly where their money is going if they truly wish to make a difference. Same Sky has built their brand around this “trade-not-aid” mantra by providing a sustainable system where women are trained with jobs and skills to succeed. At Same Sky, if a woman does not know how to crochet we teach her the marketable skill so that she can then have the skills to live a self-confident and self-empowered life.
Same Sky, in congruence with Grant and Pollatta, know that this is the best way to help people. The philosophy exemplifies one of Same Sky's favorite quotes, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day... Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."