Ethical Father's Day Gift Guide
Posted on June 12 2013

Ethical shopping is not just for women! Same Sky wants to use this Father’s Day as a chance to shed light on the men’s ethical shopping movement. From organizations that operate on the “One for One Model” to beautiful handmade and organic men's clothing, Same Sky is here to help you find the perfect gift for dad.
Father’s day falls at the most ideal time (just a week before Summer Solstice) to pick up dad a new pair of Warby Parker’s sunglasses or reading glasses. Warby Parker operates on the “Buy a Pair, Give a Pair” ethic that upon purchase of a pair of glasses provides funding to VisionSpring, which then trains low-income entrepreneurs in developing countries with the skills they need to prescribe glasses. These entrepreneurs are then able to help empower their communities by providing glasses to those who wouldn’t normally have this opportunity.
Men’s cotton tees, bow ties, hats, and sweaters are all featured projects at Krochet Kids International’s, which are all hand crocheted by women in Uganda and Peru. These women are receiving education and an opportunity for a brighter future. They are now able to provide for their families using this self-sustaining skill. Krochet Kids International now employs over 150 women in these two countries.
Arthur & Henry founded their company on the belief that every man deserves a good, quality shirt. All of their shirts are ethically produced, fair trade, organic cotton or silk. Same Sky loves the Blue Hairline Check Shirt for everything from a day in the office, a date, or just lounging on the weekend.
TOMS shoes is a great gift option for your father’s summer shoe collection. Whether your dad is into lace ups or slip ons TOMS can offer a style for everyone. They offer shoes and boots that are affordable and still manage to use the “One for One” model, giving a pair of shoes to people in need for every pair purchased.
We hope that you keep these ethical ideas and women artisans in mind when out shopping for Dad, and don’t forget about our own cuff links created by our artisans in Rwanda and Zambia.
Happy Father’s Day from the Same Sky Team!!