Meet Diane.

As a child growing up in Kigali, Rwanda, Diane was so poor her family couldn’t afford the uniforms necessary to send Diane and her siblings to school. Diane had little to eat and scarce access to health care. Her daily life was filled with hardship and her future appeared bleak.

But after Diane’s mother, Speciose, secured employment making Same Sky jewelry, Diane’s life improved dramatically. Diane and her siblings had the opportunity to attend school in crisp, newly purchased uniforms. They ate nutritious meals and thrived thanks to their mother’s newfound financial independence.

Today, Diane is a university student studying journalism and communications. The Same Sky Foundation is proud to have provided Diane with a scholarship to help her pursue her studies and her dreams. “I want to be a journalist who defends poor people,” says Diane. She imagines profiling the work of the people and organizations dedicated to elevating women in Rwanda.

Meet Joyce.

FAWE School Graduate Joyce

The recipient of a Same Sky scholarship, Joyce now has the distinct honor of calling herself a
graduate of the FAWE Girls School in Rwanda: she graduated from FAWE in Spring 2016 with an A in Entrepreneurship. Despite falling sick with malaria during her time at FAWE, Joyce maintained stellar grades and performed well in her final exams.

The Same Sky Foundation is thrilled to support Joyce in her pursuit of higher education. We will be providing Joyce with the scholarship that will enable her to study Forestry at Rwanda’s College of Agriculture, where we know she’ll grow in a rigorous academic environment, setting her on track to living a stable, financially independent life.

Meet Therese, Peace, and Domithile.

Business Training Banner

In July 2016, seventeen Same Sky artisans graduated from the Indego Business Training in Kigali, Rwanda. The Same Sky Foundation was proud to provide scholarships to each and every student. The transformation these women have undergone is incredible: only a few years ago, illness and poverty shaped their lives. Many couldn’t afford the medicine they needed and had little hope for survival. Now their faces beam with pride and glow with health. Not only have they mastered a trade and earned financial security, they’re also well on their way to becoming great business leaders and savvy entrepreneurs.

Same Sky is proud to announce that three of our graduates, Therese, Peace, and Domithile, will go on to pursue advanced business training at Indego Africa’s Leadership Academy. Congratulations, graduates!

When you donate to the Same Sky Foundation,
you provide education and opportunity to women and girls so that they can build brighter futures for themselves and for their families.